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Section 1 – The following rules shall apply to the Lawrence Youth Football league.  The league board will be the ruling and governing body, and all decisions by the board will be binding to all parties.


Section 1 – Lawrence Youth Football consists of Lawrence and surrounding area teams.

Section 2 - Competition is provided in both tackle and flag football.

Section 3 - Tackle teams will compete in the following grade divisions.

                2nd/3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade, and 6th grade.

Section 4 – All teams participate under the Bylaws and Rules and Regulations of Lawrence Youth Football, Inc.


Section 1 – A player is ineligible to participate in the organization, including practice, unless they are registered with the league board and league fees are paid in full.  Registration means that the player and parent/guardian have registered online and signed the player agreement form for the purpose of identification and eligibility of game participation.

Section 2 – Each player will be assessed a fee at the time of registration and prior to participation.  This fee will be used for insurance, equipment and other league associated costs.


Section 1 – Each Head coach must verify an official roster prior to the league’s first scheduled game. 

Section 2 – Each tackle team is allowed a maximum of three (3) player moves per season with approval of the league board.  Players are only allowed to move up in grade level and should match player’s ability and skill level, unless otherwise approved by league board.

Section 3 – Any team composed of players from multiple age groups must compete in the age group of the oldest players on the roster without prior approval from the league board.

Section 4 – All roster changes must be turned in to the league board prior to date of scheduled game.  Failure to comply will result in ineligibility of the player in question for that game and each game player move is not filed.

Section 5 – All moves up are final and a player may not move back down without prior league approval.

Section 6 – A player may transfer to another team after the first game with league approval only.

Section 7 – For the purposes of post season play, all rosters will be frozen after the fourth (4th) week of league play.


Section 1 – League divisions are determined by the school grade that a player is enrolled in for the current season first and by the players’ age, second. 

Section 2 – Players must be enrolled in the corresponding school grade for the year and grade division in which they expect to participate for the current season and be no older than the following ages before August 1st.

2nd/3rd Grade – Age 9

4th Grade – Age 10

5th Grade – Age 11

6th Grade – Age 12

Section 3 – Minimum age:

  1. All players participating must be at least seven (7) years old before August 1 of the current season and have completed first grade.

Section 4 – Maximum age:

  1. No player participating shall be thirteen (13) years old nor have completed the 6th grade before August 1 of the current season.

Section 5 - Each head coach is responsible for the eligibility of their own participants.

Section 6 – A team will forfeit all contests in which an ineligible contestant has participated. 

Section 7 – All ineligible players and adults who knowingly allow an ineligible player to compete will be liable to suspension, at the discretion of the league board.

Section 8 – Any player who is ejected from a competition for any reason will be suspended for the following game also.  Suspension will prohibit ejected player from attending LYF games in any capacity, at any location.  Any player who knowingly defies this rule will subject their team to possible forfeiture of said game.

Section 9 – Any player who is disqualified from two (2) league games shall be considered suspended indefinitely.


Section 1 – All coaches must have completed and passed any coaching certification course and a league approved background check, as directed by the league board, to be eligible to coach in the LYF league at any level. 

Section 2 – All coaching certification and background checks must be on file with the league board prior to a coach being allowed to coach.

Section 3 – Only league certified coaches are allowed on the sideline during competition.  Failure to comply will result in a penalty by the officials.

Section 4 – Team administrator of each program and head coach of each team are responsible for the eligibility of their own coaches.

Section 5 – Failure to comply with all coach eligibility regulations may result in forfeiture.


Section 1 – Charges against a coach of dishonesty and/or working against the principles and purposes of the organization and its rules and regulations, must be filed in a written statement, and submitted to the league board.

Section 2 – The accused coach shall be notified of the allegations and shall have the privilege of being present at a special or regular meeting of the executive board at which the charges will be considered and presented to the executive board.

Section 3 – The accused coach may be suspended, reinstated, or expelled by a majority vote of the executive board.

Section 4 – Any Coach who is ejected from a competition for any reason will be suspended for the following game also.  Suspension will prohibit the ejected coach from attending LYF games in any capacity, at any location.  Any coach who knowingly defies this rule will subject their team to possible forfeiture of said game.

Section 5 – Any coach who is disqualified from two (2) league games shall be considered suspended indefinitely.


Section 1 – Purchase of equipment shall be controlled through the purchasing agent designated by the league board.

Section 2 – Helmets and shoulder pads are available for rent, through the league.

Section 3 – Any league equipment utilized is the responsibility of the team and must be maintained and returned at the end of the season.

Section 4 – All league equipment must be returned within the league specified time after the end of the season or post season competition.  A replacement fee of $200 will be automatically assessed to any individual who does not return all league provided equipment.

Section 5 – All helmet logos and decals placed on league provided equipment is subject to league board approval. 

Section 6 – All helmet logos or decals shall be a type such as Pro-Tuff or equal quality material.  A maximum of two nonleague supplied helmet logos or decals are allowed on all league issued helmets.  No stripes are allowed on league provided helmets.  No flags, social cause, or performance related stickers are allowed on league provided helmets.

Section 7 – All helmet logos and decals shall be removed from league issued helmets by teams that use them prior to their return.


Section 1 – All players must be weighed in by a league representative before the start of the season.

Section 2 – Player weigh-in will occur at official league check-out at a date and time to be determined each season.

Section 3 – The official weight recorded by league representative is final and will be certified for the length of the season.

Section 4 – LYF will have official player weight on file for each player in the tackle league and is available within a reasonable time upon request by coaches.

Section 5 – Weights are used to determine eligible ball carriers for each grade division.  The allowable weights for eligible ball carriers for each grade division are:

2nd/3rd Grade – 92 pounds or less

4th Grade – 107 pounds or less

5th Grade – 122 pounds or less

6th Grade – 132 pounds or less


Section 6 – All players over the legal ball carrying weight will receive a sticker to be placed on a predetermined location on their helmet for identification by game officials.

Section 7 – Removal of the nonball carrying weight identification sticker by a player or coach will result in ejection from competition and an additional one game suspension.

Section 8 - All players who are over the eligible ball carrying weight, as listed under each grade group, must be in a down lineman position and cannot line-up in the backfield on Offense.

Section 9 - Over ball carrying weight players are ineligible to receive a pass on Offense.

Section 10 - Over ball carrying weight player down lineman in the box, may be uncovered, but still ineligible to receive pass.

Section 11 - There are NO weight restrictions on Defense.


Section 1 – LYF recommends that all players should have completed ten (10) hours of conditioning prior to working out with pads.  LYF recommends these practices be limited to conditioning and drills without equipment except for helmets and mouth pieces.

Section 2  LYF recommends two (2) weeks prior to the first game a maximum of six (6), two-hour practices. each week (Maximum: 24 hours).  No two-a-day practices are recommended.

Section 3 – LYF recommends that a maximum of five (5), two hours practices, per week after the first game (Maximum: 10 hours). These practice lengths should include calisthenics and drills.


Section 1 The schedule will be released as early as possible prior to the first game.

Section 2It is required that each team be accompanied to all competitions by a coach or other adult supervisor who will be responsible for the team’s conduct.  Any team not abiding by this rule will forfeit or reschedule the game at discretion of the League Board.

Section 3A minimum of two (2) referees will be used in all league games. In addition, additional referees may be used if available or for the purpose of new official development and training.

Section 4 – The home team coaches will be responsible for providing personnel to run the chains and yard marker.

Section 5 – Each team is responsible for cleaning its own sideline.

Section 6 - Fans must always demonstrate good sportsmanship.  Failure to comply could result in an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty or removal from the facility.

  1. Harassment of officials, coaches or players will not be tolerated.
  2. Use of profanity will not be tolerated.
  3. Each head coach is responsible for the actions of the assistant coaches, players, and spectators for their own team.  

Section 7 – Fans are required to keep fields safe and kid friendly and adhere to league requirements for seating.  Failure to comply could result in an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty or removal from the facility.

  1. Keep younger children and equipment (coolers, chairs, tents, etc.) a safe distance from the field.
  2. Spectator seating is only allowed between the 30 yard line and the endzone, on either side of the fields or behind the endzone area at the YSC complex.
  3. No seating is allowed in the team bench area (30 yard line to 30 yard line) on either side of the fields at the YSC complex.
  4. Spectator seating at any LYF games played at approved high school facilities (including the Toy Bowl) is limited to the stands only.  Spectators are not allowed on the sidelines.

Section 6 – If it becomes necessary to postpone a game for any legitimate reason, it is the responsibility of the coach or a team representative to contact the league board as well as the other team at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the scheduled game.

  1. Postponements shall be granted upon agreement of representatives of both teams and the league board.

Section 7 – If game postponement is necessary due to adverse weather conditions, the league board will make this decision and notify all teams at the earliest possible time prior to start of scheduled games.

Section 8 – Forfeit time is fifteen (15) minutes after scheduled starting time. 

  1. Lateness is not acceptable grounds for protesting a forfeit.

Section 9 – If a team drops out of the league, scheduled game for that team will be handled as follows:

  1. Completed games (including forfeits) will stand as played.
  2. Games not played will be declared a victory for the scheduled opponent.


Section 1 – Protests must be submitted to the league board by a head coach.  A $50 cash protest fee is required at the time of the protest.  If Protest is found to be valid, fee will be returned.

Section 2 – Protests must be submitted to the league board prior to the completion of the game being protested.  Judgment calls by officials are not subject to protest.  All parties involved in protests will be expected to act in a professional manner.

Section 3 – Protests will be determined on the spot if facts are available.  If not available, a decision will occur with available facts no later than 48 hours.  All league board decisions are final.

Section 4 – By submitting a protest, the protesting team agrees to abide by the decision of the LYF league board.  Failure to do so could result in suspension or dismissal from the league.




Section 1 - Kansas High School Federation Rules will be followed in all tackle league contests with exceptions stated in the LYF league rules of competition for each grade division.


Section 1 –The allowable game ball size for each grade division is:

2nd/3rd Grade – K2/ Pee Wee or Comparable

4th Grade – K2/ Pee Wee or Comparable

5th Grade – K2/ Pee Wee or Comparable

6th Grade – TDJ



Section 1 – All grade divisions:

  1. There will be four (4), eight (8) minute quarters.
  2. There will be an eight (8) minute half time.
  3. There will be a running clock anytime one team gains a 32-point advantage.  The clock will continue to run for the remainder of the game regardless of the score except for an official time- out.  At this point, all Kick-offs will be suspended, and the receiving team will take possession of the ball on their own 35-yard line.


Section 1 – All grade divisions:

  1. Touchdown = 6 points 
  2. PAT (Run or Pass) = 2 points
  3. PAT (Kick) = 1 point
  4. Safety = 2 points


Section 1 – High School Federation overtime rules will be utilized allowing each team a possession from the opponents’ ten (10) yard line until one team outscores its opponent on alternate possessions.



Section 1 - 2nd & 3rd Grade Division:

  1. No Kick-offs or punts are allowed.
  2. To start the game, 3rd quarter and after each scoring possession, the ball will be placed on teams own 30-yard line.
  3. If a team chooses to “punt” 35 yards will be stepped off by the official from the line of scrimmage and a change of possession will occur.
  4. Weight restriction to be a legal ball carrier, are listed in Article IX.
  5. There are no positional weight restrictions on defense.
  6. Free kicks and punts can only be advanced by eligible ball carrying weight players.  If any non-eligible ball carrying weight player receives a free kick or punt the ball will be dead at the point of the possession.
  7. Two (2) coaches, per team, will be allowed on the field at all times.
  8. Coaches that are allowed on the field during play are to assume a silent position outside of the hash marks once the quarterback is “under center” and ready for signals.  Coaches should move away from the play and not be a part of the play in any way.
  9. Coaches are strictly prohibited from calling plays or defensive adjustments after the quarterback is “under center” and are not allowed to instruct in any way during the play.
  10. It is solely up to the official to determine if the on-field coaches are following the on-field coaching rules.
  11. Officials will issue one warning to on-field coaches in violation of on-field coaching rules.  A second, and any continued violation, will result in a 15-yard, unsportsmanlike penalty.

Section 2 - 4th Grade Division:

  1. No Kick-offs or punts are allowed.
  2. To start the game, 3rd quarter and after each scoring possession, the ball will be placed on teams own 30-yard line.
  3. If a team chooses to “punt” 35 yards will be stepped off by the official from the line of scrimmage and a change of possession will occur.
  4. Weight restriction to be a legal ball carrier, are listed in Article IX.
  1. One (1) coach, per team, will be allowed on the field at all times.
  2. Coaches that are allowed on the field during play are to assume a silent position outside of the hash marks once the quarterback is “under center” and ready for signals.  Coaches should move away from the play and not be a part of the play in any way.
  3. Coaches are strictly prohibited from calling plays or defensive adjustments after the quarterback is “under center” and are not allowed to instruct in any way during the play.
  4. It is solely up to the official to determine if the on-field coaches are following the on field coaching rules.
  5. Officials will issue one warning to on field coaches in violation of on field coaching rules.  A second, and any continued violation, will result in a 15-yard, unsportsmanlike penalty.

Section 3 - 5th Grade Division:

  1. Kick-offs are optional and must be agreed upon by both teams in the pre-game meeting with officials.  If BOTH teams do not agree, Kick-offs will NOT be used in that game.
  2. If both teams agree to utilize kick-offs, the ball will be kicked off from the 35-yard line to start the game, 3rd quarter and after each scoring possession.  All kick-offs are live.
  3. Punts are utilized.
  4. The defense is NOT allowed to rush the punter.
  5. During a punt, the defense must have at least six (6) players on the line of scrimmage.
  6. Once the ball is punted, the punt situation is live.
  7. Weight restriction to be a legal ball carrier, are listed in Article IX.
  8. There are no positional weight restrictions on defense.
  9. Free kicks and punts can only be advanced by eligible ball carrying weight players.  If any non-eligible ball carrying weight player receives a free kick or punt the ball will be dead at the point of the possession.
  10. No coaches will be allowed on the field.

Section 4 - 6th Grade Division

  1. Kick-offs and punts are utilized.
  2. The ball will be kicked off from the 35 yard line to start the game, 3rd quarter and after each scoring possession.  All kick-offs are live.
  3. All punts are live.  The defense is allowed to rush the punter. 
  4. Weight restriction to be a legal ball carrier, are listed in Article IX.
  5. There are no positional weight restrictions on defense.
  6. Free kicks and punts can only be advanced by eligible ball carrying weight players.  If any non-eligible ball carrying weight player receives a free kick or punt the ball will be dead at the point of the possession.
  7. No coaches will be allowed on the field.


Section 1 – The top four LYF league teams in each age division will advance to the Toy Bowl playoffs. 

Section 2 - Teams will be seeded based on team win/loss record against LYF teams only.

  1. If any LYF teams play each other more than once during the season, only the last game will count in determining playoff seedings.
  2. Playoff seedings will utilize a 1 vs 4 and 2 vs 3 format.  The winners of playoff games will advance to the Toy Bowl championship.
  3. If only three teams advance to the playoffs, the 1 seed will receive a bye.

Section 3 – Tiebreaker protocol for Toy Bowl playoff selection

  1. Head to head competition
  2. Defensive points allowed (-13 Max)
  3. Offensive points scored (+13 Max)
  4. Coin Toss


Section 1 – LYF will enforce a no tolerance rule for unsportsmanlike conduct of any kind.  

  1. If the field monitor or referee witnesses any cheap shots or any unsportsmanlike act, the game will be stopped, and the player will be ejected from the game.  The decision is made at the referee’s discretion.  No appeals will be considered.  FOUL PLAY WILL NOT BE TOLERATED!
  2. Offensive or confrontational language is NOT allowed. Officials have the right to determine offensive language. If offensive or confrontational language occurs, the officials will determine if a warning or immediate ejection is warranted.
  3. Players may not physically or verbally abuse any opponent, coach or official.

Section 2– Any person or persons including coaches, players, parents, or fans can and will be ejected from the complex if any flagrant abuse of officials is committed.  Upon review and approval by the executive board, offenders may not be allowed to return for any further games.

Section 3 – Only the head coach from each team is allowed to request a conference with an official regarding rule clarification or interpretation.  Players may not question calls.  Any abuse of this policy will result in a Delay of Game penalty enforced against the team improperly requesting the conference.

Section 4 – Official’s judgment calls may NOT BE CONTESTED!

Section 5Each head coach is responsible for the actions of the assistant coaches, players, and spectators for their own team.

Lawrence Youth Football Sponsors

Interested in becoming a sponsor of Lawrence Youth Football?

Sponsored by DL Smith

DL Smith

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DL Smith Electrical Construction believes in giving back to the community that has supported us throughout the years. Whether giving through financial support, providing labor, or through employees that give to their favorite charities with support from the company – it’s our way of saying “Thank You” and “We Care” for our community.

Sponsored by Alpha Roofing

Alpha Roofing

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Alpha Roofing is a full-service professional roofing company providing customer centric service.

You may rest assured of our expertise in both Residential and Commercial roofing. 

Sponsored by Dairy Queen

Dairy Queen

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For more than 80 years, Dairy Queen has been the place for kids.  Postgame celebrations at Dairy Queen are the staple of many youth sports teams throughout the country.  Dairy Queen restaurants give back locally to organizations focused on helping kids enjoy all that childhood and participation in sports has to offer. 

Through our partnership with Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals, Dairy Queen restaurants have been bringing happiness and healing to local kids across the U.S. and Canada for more than three decades.